DOCTORATE: 012: Antropología de los restos óseos humanos de Galicia: estudio de la población romano y medieval gallega. Anthropological study of human remains from Galicia, NW Spain, focused on the Roman and Medieval population. Universidad de Granada. Apto Cum Laude. International doctorate. PhD Award in Humanities, Diputación de Pontevedra.
MASTER: 2006 – 2007, Master in Physical and Forensic Anthropology. Faculty of Medicine. University of Granada.
DEGREE: 2001–2006 Bachelor degree in Biology. University of Granada, Spain.
Certificate in University innovative teaching programme. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Dec 2019-Oct 2020. Research Assistand group EcoPast
Jul 2017-Ag 2019. Postdoctoral position Plan Galego I2C mod. B
Jul 2014-Jun 2017. Postdoctoral position Plan Galego I2C mod. A. Effect of diet and environment on the development of infectious diseases (TB & brucellosis) in past populations. U. of Santiago .
Mar-Jun2014. Research assistant, Group Earth System Scíence, Santiago de Compostela.
Jan-Feb 2014. Sep-Nov 2012. Freelance. Citania Arqueoloxía s.l., Breogán Arqueoloxía s.l.,….
2007-2011. FPU PhD fellowship (AP20060145) Spanish Ministry.
Jan-Jun 2006. Student research grant. Spanish Ministry. Jun-Sep 2005. Student research grant. University of Granada, Spain.
POSSITIONS I´VE DECLINED: Postdoctoral position in Osteoarchaeology, Stockholm U. Juan de la Cierva Incorporación, U Santiago de Compostela; Juan de la Cierva, U. Granada
Jun 2018. Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Dec 2016-Feb 2017. Paleoenvironment. Dpt Marine Biology, Edith Cowan U. Perth, Australia.
Apr 2015-Jun 2016: Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. Supervisor: Prof. Kerstin Lidén
Jun 2014-March 2015: Department of Archaeology, University of Reading, UK. Supervisor: Dr. Gundula Müldner
Jan-Apr 2011: Department of Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA. Supervisor: Prof. Dawnie W. Steadman
Jul-Sep 2009: Department of Archaeology, University of Reading, UK; Supervisor: Dr Gundula Müldner.
Sep-Dec 2008: Department of Archaeology University of Durham, UK; Supervisor: Charlotte A. Roberts
Martínez Cortizas, A., López-Costas, O. 2020: Linking structural and compositional changes in archaeological human bone collagen: an FTIR-ATR approach. Scientific Reports 10, (1), 17888.
Kaal, J., Lavery, P. S., Martínez Cortizas, A., López-Costas, O., Buchaca, T., Salinas, C. & Serrano, O. 2020: Reconstruction of 7500 years of coastal environmental change impacting seagrass ecosystem dynamics in Oyster Harbour (SW Australia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 558 109953.
Álvarez-Fernández N, Martínez Cortizas A, López-Costas O. 2020. Atmospheric mercury pollution deciphered through archaeological bones. Journal of Archaeological Sciences
Olivé-Busom, J., Kirchner, H., López-Costas, O. & Márquez-Grant, N. 2020: Arqueología funeraria andalusí en cataluña y la provincia de castellón. un estado de la cuestión. Arqueología y territorio medieval.
López-Costas O, Kylander M, Mattielli N, Álvarez-Fernández N, Pérez-Rodríguez M, Mighall T, Bindler R, and Martínez Cortizas A. 2020. Human bones tell the story of atmospheric mercury and lead exposure at the edge of Roman World. Science of the Total Environment 710:136319.
Papakosta V, López-Costas O, and Isaksson S. 2020. A multi-proxy analysis (FTIR, XRD, XRF,) of Ertebølle ceramics from Scania, southern Sweden. Archaeometry.
Guest editor: López-Costas and Alexander. Special Issue: Iberian Paleodiet, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. López-Costas O, and Alexander M. 2019. Paleodiet in the Iberian Peninsula: exploring the connections between diet, culture, disease and environment using isotopic and osteoarchaeological evidence. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 11(8):3653-3664.
López-Costas O, and Müldner G. 2018. Boom and bust at a medieval fishing port: dietary preferences of fishers and artisan families from Pontevedra (Galicia, NW Spain) during the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period. Archaeol Anthropol Sci.
Inskip S, Carroll G, Waters-Rist A, and López-Costas O. 2018. Diet and food strategies in a southern al-Andalusian urban environment during Caliphal period, Écija, Sevilla. Archaeol Anthropol Sci.
Sarkic N, López JH, López-Costas O, and Grandal-d’Anglade A. 2018. Eating in silence: isotopic approaches to nuns’ diet at the convent of Santa Catalina de Siena (Belmonte, Spain) from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Archaeol Anthropol Sci.
Oliva M, Ruiz-Fernández J, Barriendos M, Benito G, Cuadrat JM, Domínguez-Castro F, García-Ruiz JM, Giralt S, Gómez-Ortiz A, Hernández A, López-Costas O et al. . 2018. The Little Ice Age in Iberian mountains. Earth-Sci. Rev. 177:175-208.
López-Costas, Müldner. Fringes of the Empire: Diet and cultural change at the Roman to post-Roman Transition in NW Iberia. Am J Physical Anthropol.
López-Costas, Lantes-Suárez, Martínez Cortizas. Chemical compositional changes in archaeological human bones due to diagenesis: Type of bone vs soil environment. J Archaeol Sci 67:43-51.
Kaal, López-Costas, Martínez Cortizas. Diagenetic effects on pyrolysis fingerprints of extracted collagen in archaeological human bones from NW Spain, as determined by pyrolysis-GC-MS. J Archaeol Sci 65:1-10.
López-Costas, Müldner, Martínez Cortizas. Diet and lifestyle in Bronze Age Northwest Spain: the collective burial of Cova do Santo. J Archaeol Sci 55(0):209-218.
Lopez-Costas. Taphonomy and burial context of the Roman/post-Roman funerary areas (2nd to 6th centuries AD) of A Lanzada, NW Spain. Special Issue. Estudos do Quaternário 12:55-67
Rissech, López-Costas, Turbón. Humeral development from neonatal period to skeletal maturity—application in age and sex assessment. Int J Legal Med 127(1): 201-212.
López-Costas, Rissech, Trancho, Turbón. Postnatal ontogenesis of the tibia. Implications for age and sex estimation. Forensic Sci Int 214 (1–3):, 207.e1-207.e11.
García-Contreras Ruiz, López-Costas et al. La materialidad del conflicto en la Edad Media o como evidenciar lo inherente. Arqueogazte 5:113-131.
Silva Sanchez, López-Costas, Tallón Armada. Geología, palinología y antropología física aplicadas a la arqueología ambiental. Estudos do Quaternário 9: 1-14.
López-Costas, Varela López. Estudio Craneométrico de A Lanzada. Revista del Museo de Pontevedra LXII, pp. 29-48 (in Spanish)
Book chapters
A selection
2016. Márquez-Grant N, Muñoz Villarreal AP, López-Costas O. Restos humanos subadultos: Cuestiones prácticas en antropología forense. In: Sanabria Medina C, Antropología y patología forense de la muerte…”- Forensic Publisher. p 26-60.
2016. López-Costas O, and Sánchez Pardo JC. Antropología física, arqueología y desigualdad social en las necrópolis medievales de Galicia: hacia una visión de conjunto. In: Quirós Castillo JA, editor. Demografía, paleopatologías y desigualdad social en el Noroeste Peninsular en época medieval: Doc. de arqueología medieval n10. UPV. p 43-62.
2015. Martínez Cortizas et al. Peatland soils. In: Remediated sites and brownfields: success stories in Europe: European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC EUR 27530. p 176-181
2015. Tallón Armada R, López-Costas O, and Martínez Cortizas A. Análisis del contenido de fósforo en los suelos y sedimentos del yacimiento de Ventosiños (Coeses) como una alternativa al hallazgo de restos óseos. In: Cano Pan J, Piay Agusto D, and Naveiro López J, ed. Un yacimiento ceremonial en la transición del Bronce al Hierro: Ventosiños (Coeses, Lugo). Arqueloxía do Noroeste SLU. p 121-127.
2014. Lopez-Costas O, Rissech C, and Turbón D. Humeral development during the infancy and adolescence. Age estimation in archaeological and forensic contexts. A preliminary study. In: Grup d’Estudi de l’Evolució dels Homínids i Altres Primats S-, editor. Estudis d’evolució, etologia i cognició en Primats. Barcelona: Associació ADÉS Ed. p 69-72.
2011. Márquez-Grant., Rissech, López Costas et al. Spain. 2011. In: The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation. Routledge, Taylor and Francis g. pp 423-438
Research projects
A selection
2020-2023 Postdoctoral fellow JIN. Contaminación metálica ambiental en poblaciones de Hispania entre los siglos I al V a través de los restos óseos funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Gob de España
2020-2022 Leonardo fellow BBVA foundation, area Humanities. Project: The epidemics of famine: tuberculosis and brucellosis during Middle Ages through the study of human remains.
2019. GAIN project for ERC Starting Grant final stage. Xunta de Galicia.
2018-2020. Grupos de Potencial de Crecemento (ED431B 2018/20), Xunta de Galicia. Role: PI
2018-2019. Rede consiliencia, Xunta de Galicia (ED431D 2017/08). Role:PI
2018. Financiamento singular actividades de grupos de investigación, USC (2018-PU029). Role:PI
2017-2019. Galician Paleodiet. Xunta de Galicia. Role:PI
2016-2017. Human skeletons and pedology in A Lanzada arachaeological site. Role: PI. Deputación Pontevedra.
2015-2017. Geomorphological and environmental changes, human occupation in Middle and Late Holocene in the Atlantic coast of NW Iberia. I+D Spanish Research. Role: researcher.
2014-2015/2017-2019. Research network Consiliencia R2014/001 Xunta de Galicia, Spain. U. of Santiago de Compostela. Role: co-coordinator of the research line «human skeletons».
2013-2015. Project GI-1553 Xunta de Galicia, Spain. University of Santiago de Compostela. Role: Researcher.
2007-2009. Anthropology of the human remains from Galicia, NO Spain Xunta de Galicia, Spain. Role: co-PI.
R&D activities
President : workshop Paleodiet meets paleopathology Santiago de Compostela, 2015 Check here!
Chairperson in stable isotopes: 19th and 20th Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Antropología Física .2015 2017.
Chairperson and scientific committee The 6th reunión de la Asociación Española de Antropología y Odontología Forense 2016. Scientific committee Congreso Español de Paleopatología, 2017
Session organiser: two sessions 22nd and 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 2016 and 2018
A Selection
2013-present. MSc. in Archaeology and Ancient Sciences. Santiago de Compostela. Paleoenvironment, stable isotopes and Archaeology
2015-present. MSc. in Osteology, Stockholm University.
2009-2019. Degree of Biology, University de Santiago of Compostela.
2016-2017. Bachelor of Geography.
Currently supervising five PhD students
Supervision of Master thesis, U of Granada and Santiago de Compostela (Archaeology and Anthropology). Practical courses and Bachelor thesis (Chemistry and Biology).
Conferences and invited lectures
Attendee of 35 national and international conferences including several meetings of the BABAO, and the Spanish associations, the Société d´Anthropologie de Paris, the European Association of Anthropology and the Association of Paleopathology, the American Associations of Physical Anthropology and Paleopathology. I have presented both podium presentations (20) and posters (15).
Invited lectures in the universities of Leicester, Reading, Stockholm, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela and the councils of Pontevedra, Marín and Sanxenxo in Spain.
Fieldwork experience
More than 20 archaeological excavation campaigns in sites from Spain, Malta, Greece and Portugal, coordinatining anthropological work. We will be again on the field in 2018